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6 New Quality Measures for SNFs now showing on Nursing Home Compare

New performance data on skilled nursing providers, which features six additional measures, is now on the Nursing Home Compare website, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced Wednesday.

The updated SNF Quality Reporting Program(QRP) data was published during Oct. 2020 refresh of the site. The updates include quality data from between Jan 1 and Dec 31 2019, for assessment-based measures, and from Oct 1, 2017 to Sept. 30, 2019, for claims-based measures, the agency explained.

The six new measures that are now being publicly reported are:

  • changes in skin integrity post-acute care: pressure ulcer/injury

  • drug regimen review conducted with follow-up for identified issues - PAC SNF QRP

  • application for IRF functional outcome measure: change in self-care(NQF#2663)

  • application for IRF functional outcome measure: change in mobility(NQF#2634)

  • application for IRF functional outcome measure: change in discharge self-care score(NQF#2635)

  • application for IRF functional outcome measure: discharge mobility score(NQF#2636)

It's the first time SNF performance data for these measures will be included in the reports. CMS previously announced the additional measures in late August.

The agency also reminded that the October 2020 refresh of the SNF QRP data on the website is the last scheduled refresh of the data until 2020.


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Curt Wood, R.Ph., FASCP

Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacist

Elder Care Pharmacy Consultants take pride in being truly independent. Elder Care Pharmacy Consultants, LLC. has a comprehensive approach to antipsychotic use in order to help ensure nursing homes reach their goals, enhance star quality measures, and maintain federal and state compliance. Our success depends on your satisfaction with the services we provide..

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